Did you know quite a few businesses make some big before and after photo mistakes?
Just making one of these mistakes can trigger a person who sees the before and after photo to have doubts about your business.
And doubt is a killer.
In today’s world, people are skeptical about everything. So your job is already tough enough to convince them that you can help them.
So you don’t want to make things even harder by making any before and after photo mistakes.
If you are making any of the 3 mistakes mentioned in the video above, don’t stress it too much.
It’s not the end of the world.
You can just make sure that any before and after photos going forward will be done right.
The best thing about doing your future before and after photos the right way is that it’s not any harder than the way that you’re doing them now.
It won’t take any more time.
It won’t take any more work.
It’ll kind of systemize some of how you do it and get you better before and after photos every time.
Any time you can save time, do less work, and get better results is a BIG win.
But it all starts with not making the 3 big before and after photo mistakes mentioned in the video above.