So there is an easy way to get clients to agree to do testimonial videos. But most of the time, business owners make it harder than it needs to be. But it’s not their fault. They just didn’t know there was an easier way. And this video breaks down the 4 simple steps to make it easy.
Let’s break this whole process down.
Normally, a business owner sees a client getting great results and knows they want to get a testimonial video from them. So they think about asking them for one or to be interviewed for it.
Then something pops up, and they don’t get around to asking them, and they put it off for a while until something reminds them they want to get this done.
But when they approach the client, there is always a bit of hesitation on the owner’s part and the client’s part.
The owner feels awkward because they don’t know how the client is going to respond.
The client feels awkward because it’s a surprise, and to top it off, they’re afraid to be on camera but don’t want to say no to doing the video.
This happens almost every time.
But there are four steps to make this whole thing a lot easier.
And it gets rid of the awkwardness.
Here are the 4 steps:
1. Setting The Stage
Setting the stage begins with the moment the client sits down with you or a salesperson to work with you.
In that sales process, you make it clear that you are so sure of their success that you will be doing a testimonial video of them down the road.
This primes them not only to do the testimonial video but also sells them on the fact that they will see success with you.
2. Showing Samples
During the initial sales process, you want to make sure you show the potential client a couple of samples of the testimonial videos you have.
This will not only help to turn this prospect into a client and look forward to working with you, but it also shows them what a testimonial video will look like.
When the video is done well, and done the right way, it makes the client look good.
And when they see your samples, it’ll help to remove some of the hesitation they’ll have from doing a testimonial because they already know that the videos will make them look good.
3. Drop Hints
During their time working with you, they’ll start to see results.
As they see these results, you let them know how great of a job they’re doing and how great their success video will be when you do it.
By doing this, it motivates them to continue doing what they’re doing but also motivates them to be ready to do a testimonial video for you.
4. The Ask
After going through the first 3 steps, it’s finally time to ask them for the testimonial video.
You will want to ask them not just when they are at a time where they’ve seen significant results but also at a time when they are in an emotional state about those results.
When you ask them at this point, they’ll actually be excited to share their story.
Plus, they’ve already been primed through the first 3 steps that you will be asking them.
Since they knew the ask was coming, and they’re in a great place…
It makes it super easy for you to ask them and makes it just as easy for them to say yes.
So to wrap all of this up…
You basically want to set the expectation of collecting a testimonial video from day one.
When you do that and follow the other steps listed above, you’ll not only make it easy to get a testimonial video but…
You’ll probably get a good one.
Oh, want to know how to then get that video to convert?
If so, feel free to pick up the testimonial video conversion guide below.
It’s free and very easy to follow.